Are you a slave to your Blackberry or iPhone? Do you have a list of things to do or some type of schedule you keep? Then be sure to schedule "30 minutes of quality active time with children"! We ALL need time for ourselves but our children need their closest and best bosses too, YOU!
If the day seems to slip away and you haven't been active and spent some quality time with them than you need to schedule it in with all of your other duties. Trust me, you will be glad you did and more importantly so will your children. It doesn't have to be high impact, crazy fitness stuff just something fun with movement. When was the last time you played hopscotch. It's a cinch right? Try it, you might be surprised. Get to the park, if weather permits, and do the monkey bars. Or better yet, make an obstacle course out of the playground equipment and race. What kid doesn't love to race their parents? Make it even more interesting with the winner having to take the garbage out for a whole week!
Whatever it is you choose to do: ride your bikes, walk the dog, who can do 50 jumping jacks the fastest just schedule it in and be sure when the alarm goes off that you grab your children and get moving! You might even laugh!
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.