This one is simple. If your children see YOU drinking water they are more likely to grab water than a coke. If your children see YOU snacking on vegetabels, fruits, or trail mix they are more likely to do the same. If instead of sitting in front of the television YOU get out and roller blade, play tennis or wiffle ball, or even jump some rope they are more likely to do the same. SHOW your children how to be active, healthy, and fit.
*Make water your drink of choice.
*Snack on foods that do your body good like fruits, vegetables, trail mix, yogurt.
*Eat fish at least once a week. A tuna sandwich counts!
*How about good old fashioned oatmeal or cream of wheat for breakfast. Cheerios or Kashi are a good choice for the time challenged.
*A few activities to enjoy (your kids will LOVE them as well): jump rope, wiffle ball, roller blading, tennis, or just ride your bikes!
Remember, your children are ALWAYS watching you! Make your actions speak louder than your words!
Frosty Elf Bar: Nápoj pre zimné obdobie
7 months ago
Hmm...I suppose I never thought about it but it makes perfect sense. I guess my two year old wouldn't want diet coke if I wasn't drinking it. Thanks for the reminder!